You are the reason I need a quarter to ‘rent’ a shopping cart. You’re not the only one with a kid. Ugh, I say, ugh.
Well there’s a cold burn.....that’s worse than my Dad raising 1 eyebrow at me in disapproval when he knew I was full of shit.... That STILL gives me chills at 35.
So bad... I guess you’re supposed to be so swept away by that under-boob that you don’t notice WHATEVER THE FUCK THAT FACIAL EXPRESSION IS.
There’s obviously some bikini magic that is not at all suitable for swimming.
The same way this ugly piece of crap is least Kendall’s is cute (and I’m referring to the bikini and the cans)
This comment doesn’t have enough get all the stars.
Yea that maxi dress is the only one worth a damn IMHO....
Awwwww, a huge mess that's insulting and intimidating? The murder of Dr. George Tiller, May 31, 2009: Dr. George Tiller was a victim of Christian Right terrorism.
I'm strictly dickly but she could get it.
This motherfucker.
It's soooooooo awful! Those patches of marigold yellow on her temples? I'd be rocking a turban if my hair got fucked up that bad.....
Dammit! We lose all the good ones....
How's my smile? Trying too hard??? No way.
yeah, I'm against slut shaming too, but the backstory includes the fact that Kimmy sent nudes to Kanye while he was IN A RELATIONSHIP with Amber. That's a personal affront and I'd be giving her two middle fingers as well.
yea seriously....all his other stunts I found mildly amusing/ laughable (if somewhat narcissistic) but this is so fucked.... I'm so done with kanye
Where do you live?????
It doesn't matter to her because he has five kids? Dude has five kids with a dick cutting looney (and all that entails dealing with) AND he can no longer provide the D? You are more compassionate than I would be Setzer......
the whole article made perfect sense until the mistress's comments at the, so confused I am.
Um yea, no. No, 1451 times.