That's a man, baby

naive sjw dipshit

I self-identify as a goathog.

SJW piece of shit busybody

“And remember, she turned it inside out.”

kill yourself and die

Way to SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIOR! Now pat yourself on the back and then kill yourself.

kill yourself, SJW piece of shit
even the other libtards here hate your guts

die tonight

“Wakanda, one of the most technologically advanced countries”
That’s supposed to be in Africa, right?
LOL the absurd fantasies of fiction can be so hilarious sometimes.

“I’m dangerously close to having a ragestroke.”

LOL loser

Who gives a shit. You and everyone who works for Jezebel is a total fucking asshole.

you get 4 Formerly Gawker Media SJW Brownie Points!

commit suicide tonight

Gabby hasn’t done much since she testified in the George Zimmerman trial. Why is she so tired?

kill yourself

commit suicide now

commit suicide now

commit suicide now

commit suicide now