
Stephen Universe is fantastic. And a great role model. But I also would point out that Stephen Universe is still about a boy super hero. And the whole super hero concept is very much a male one, even if we have female super heros.

Except there is no mental diagnosis for mass shootings. No psychiatric test defines what could cause a mass shooter.

I think it’s less about excuses and more about how we try to stop this from happening. Even if we do take away the guns, if we dont curb the impetus for these tragedies they will keep happening via other means.

Thanks for this, I was wondering yesterday why it’s almost always a “lonely white male in his 20’s”.

Finally created a Kinja account so I could star this. Yes. So much yes. So tired of men not understanding that my feminism is good for them too. Rigid gender definitions and the fear of otherness/the female grotesque is good for NO ONE.

I wouldn’t say we took away care: violence like this has actually been going down for a long time. I would say that we put a lot more emphasis on girls (we always do, in a lot of different ways) than we did on boys. So now we have young women who grow up well adjusted way more often than boys, and we are kind of

While I agree that we don’t know enough to talk about what caused this, I do want to point out that there is a difference between explanations and excuses. We can attempt to understand a person and their behavior without excusing their actions.

I can’t star comments like these enough. The patriarchy creates self-loathing men. Access to guns turns them into terrorists.

Here is a good opinion piece on why so many killers are male and fit this guy’s profile.


Oh forgive me, yes, what we really need in this world is more unbidden critical commentary on women’s looks! Please, won’t you tell us more about what you think????? It’s cute how the only defense mechanism you seem to have is suggesting that I’m upset, like that has any bearing whatsoever on who’s an asshole here.

Truly, spoken like a man who has no idea when a woman is or isn’t wearing makeup.

Awwww, trying to discredit me by suggesting that I’m emotionally invested in this? Does it give you a sad when you can’t needlessly disparage other people’s looks consequence-free?

The whole Jack White x Patrick Carney beef was so much more alternative than this.

Yes, you’re right! She does fucking rock!

I tried to watch this, couldn’t make it more than 5 minutes before I realized that I can only handle Affleck and Damon when they’re acting.

Damn straight. She took out the garbage, no more, no less.

According to Saeed Mamouzini, spokesperson for the Kurdistan Democratic Party, the woman struck back on September 5, murdering Abu Amas.

Any beliefs of non-violence I have are suspended when it comes to these fucking monsters. This woman did the world a public service.

I am generally a pacifist. But damn if I’m not enjoying speculating how this brave woman took that motherfucker down. I hope the woman lives to tell the tale.