
“Romance and sexual desire aren’t subject to rational political discussion.”

Unasked for “Advice from Random Internet Stranger”. Please look into a way to eliminate/lessen the anxiety. And try to figure out why you don’t do it very often. Not for additional pressure, and not in any way suggesting that you “need” to do it more often but it sounds like maybe you aren’t having your needs met and

Mostly agree. In my current relationship (~12 years), periods of fluctuating hormones, real or perceived differences in emotional maturity leading to fights, and high work stress and have led to temporary “incompatibility”. A real desire to overcome those things out of a desire *to have sex be a part of the

I want to give a fuck. But I don’t.

lol fuck off with this. there’s nothing wrong with having a nanny. there are shitty parents with nannies and shitty parents without nannies. this is malarkey.

When I was in college long, long ago, I took a criminology class. One of the things we learned was that crimes that were formerly labeled as “double suicides” were now being labeled as “murder suicides” as they most often occurred with old, sick husbands and much younger wives, and the murdered wives almost always had

David was 61 at the time; Hope was just 23.

She and David were married in New Haven in 1987. David was 61 at the time; Hope was just 23.

No, I don’t think it’s that they want to come out against the concept of the pill, because the idea of it is perfect. However the recipe itself needs to be modified to be less dangerous. Drug patents only last for 10 years, after which time the manufacturer no longer has the sole rights to production. Since anyone can

Well you might be right. To me, it seems nicer to just let it go. Like, I’m not trying to have the final word or insult you or anything. But you might be right. Luckily I haven’t had to date since texting really became a thing, so it was different then- had to actually call as calling things off via text seemed really

Yep. If someone gave me a big contract to be a certain weight, I could probably do it, and much as it would suck. However, being a scientist, my weight isn’t part of the job description, so I had a donut this morning. And it was good.

I’m not saying down with clothing stores altogether - God no. Not everyone has the time, energy, and equipment necessary to make their own clothes, and made-to-order clothing can be extremely expensive.

Solution: down with fast fashion.

Yeah, I generally agree. My mom is well into the obese range and is very “I’m beautiful and love my body at any size.” It’s such a hard topic to broach b/c I don’t want to ruin that confidence but she has so many obesity-related health problems that NEED to be addressed. Sigh.

You haven’t, but I have, and another commenter is saying that size 0-2-4 is all they see so... can you please tell me where you shop because I WANT TO GO THERE???

I will tell you why. From the point of view of the texter, 1) I am not interested in chatting again in two months. 2) I’m not interested in being your friend. 3) There is no real reason we can discuss- either I just don’t like you that much even though there is absolutely nothing wrong with you OR I do like you but

I had a close friend (of five years) ghost me once and the whole situation was so unexpected quickly followed by batshit insane that I can still get pretty exercised talking about it over a decade later. But from the very beginning through to present day, I still laugh at the detail that when she tried to ghost me I

That whole “training a baby” analogy — so very condescending. You’re talking about adult humans, for Christ’s sake. People with adult human feelings and such, not shit-spewing babies in a crib. That kind of plays into my earlier comment about how the ghoster may actually get off on the whole thing — it makes them feel

Dude. No. I had someone do this to me recently (similar kind of situation—hanging out for a few weeks but I was SUPER into it) and it is the fucking worst. You like this person so much that you keep convincing yourself that they’re just busy, texting them inviting them to stuff, etc. It is so so so much kinder to just