
They have billions? Where?

Jia Yueting is a well know unreliable buffoon, and still I cannot understand how Krause could have joined FF, notwithstanding his presence. Maybe he was told that Ija would have left, and then he changed his mind... who knows? What is sure is that FF is the automotive enterprise that most reminds of a Nigerian scam.

The presentation he did for LeSee (the other car that was made by FF in their “spare time”) where they listed features of the car were all features made up by an external team. I know this because I was part of that team. It seems to be a legit strategy to just lie in China.

Serious question: who in their right mind would want to work for this company? It seems so obviously to be a gigantic tire fire.

Amen brother.

Oh you quit, huh? Well guess what you can’t quit because you’re fired! So there!

it’s pursuing legal action against him.

How could you damage Faraday Future?

Hey FF.

This company, damn. Even after they go bankrupt and disappear into oblivion, they will insist that everything is just fine.

Or, he was never given the authority or tools to do the job. Considering the statement that he found serious investors who would only invest if Jia stepped down, I would say he quit or was let go because the founder didn’t like the options he was given. And considering what a mess Jia has made, I would say the problem

How can something end that really never even started?

Technically, shouldn’t that ship be sinking while it’s still in the dock?

So is the Iceberg Tesla?

From CFO to GTFO.

We’re in trouble, we need to bring in someone to give us the hard truth and get us on track

NIO raising $1,000,000,000 while Faraday could not, should tell you how much faith investors have in Jia’s ability to make the company a success.

If he’s from 2000 years ago, I wonder if he knows Pontious Pilot and my friend Biggus Dickus.

At least Foxconn is an actual company, with, you know, money and bank accounts and customers and everything, meaning that the only reason they wouldn’t deliver is because they changed their mind, whereas Faraday Future just wasn’t ever going to happen, ever, since they had no way to pull it off even if they wanted to.