
I work with him. IN A PRINT SHOP.

Next up: A kitchen sink manufacturer.

Says someone taking the time to comment on the thr- you know what, someone does this shit in every post about Faraday. If you don’t care, don’t click on it and stop being an asswipe.

Of all the possible comments to make you went with the most worthless one possible.

Looks legit.

Faraday’s financials:

Meh - at least it didn’t go all ‘Galaxy Note 7' & spontaneously combust.

I think the only thing that can save them is being acquired by a larger (successful) car company. Either that, or they would need a massive investor (like Warren Buffet money) to come in with a shit-ton of cash and also bring in a board of directors who know their shit and will exert tons of control. It appears their

Car was rushed, finished at the very last minute, no time to test at the media event site. Poor planning, poor management, etc. You can start to explain what happened technically, but it’s all stuff they could have figured out a couple of days before had they not run out of time to test the dang thing. What does that

This is a very valid point. It will be a far away day in the future that this car is in production.

I am willing to overlook this fumble. I mean, I gotta hand it to any new car company nowadays. After all, this is no longer about just creating an electric car. Now it’s about an electric car that can park itself, drive autonomously at least on some level, AND be profitable. Best of luck to them and anyone else who’s

Agreed. The demo failure hardly matters. What matters is that Faraday Future has a TON of very difficult steps ahead to succeed as an automaker. They have to stop bleeding management and talent, for one thing. Their cars may have a ton of great sensors, but they have to source all those components at a reasonable

“If we look up at the roof of this building there’s a lot of steel structure up there that’d [prohibit] some of the signals.“

English translation - the 9 year old hidden in the back with an RC controller couldn’t see where he was supposed to go…

“What happened on stage was actually kind of a very specific adaptation.”

The self parking fail on stage was wayyyy down the list of things that bothered me about that event. Hell, other than a brief chuckle I never thought twice about it.

When I watched it, it looked like the guy simply mispressed the button. Then never tried again. So awkward, he should have just tried the button again.

Did I miss the actual explanation of what went wrong?