I see you found the gif
I see you found the gif
I am glad I annoy the hell out of people on Xbox Live...yep...don't have to worry about people copying me...or people in general. *Cries silently in the corner*
So did Godaddy and people are pissed about it, claiming they will move their domains to other websites...so anybody taking sides with SOPA stands to lose a lot of business
I had to sell Frostys today...a lot of them. I thought I would have a better chance of selling cold coffee...sorry for the inside joke
Are you okay buddy? (Offers cold coffee)
Remember guys, this is your money, if you bought everything and start complaining, regardless of it being the price or the ads, only you have to blame. Microsoft did not force you to buy their items, they just convinced you to. The ads just come in because of popularity of the console. Remember the blades did not have…
DE:HR finally gets what it deserves!
Glad I didn't do this. *Points finger at everyone else*
I Win
...You know Damn well the K is not a perfectly symmetrical letter!
Now try to write your name perfectly
It's because it is a perfect, foldable circle isn't it Death The Kidd?
The Cycle Will Never End Timmy
Damn what happen to ya?
It's the Spinach I tell ya!
Silly string I tell you!
I think you stepped on a bear trap that shot silly string at you
...wut the fuck...
Are you saying that in a "I find this funny" way or a "I find this unfunny" way?
You link sends me to an article from 2009...I went back in time! It's a damn time machine!