That Pimp-Ass Fetus

Yes, I know. My point is that the two issues are apples and oranges. A lot of people seem to think that a university has no right to take administration action to expel an accused rapist. Which of course is nonsense. Title IX is about making campuses a safe environment for women (and men who can also be victimized).

Hello! I saw this come up in a few comments and rather than addressing one random one, I’m just going to leave some thoughts here. Yes, one answer is “fix the cops” but that’s not all of it, not even close. Because so much of what victims need—counseling, help relocating, support—aren’t provided by our criminal

Universities do not “conduct a trial,” they hold hearings to see whether a student has violated the student code of conduct. This has nothing to do with criminal charges (which a student can still pursue in parallel to reporting the incident to the university).

I was being a little sarcastic in my response, just because I keep hearing this shit about how people are going to vote “in protest” and it makes my teeth hurt. Nobody knows your vote was a protest vote. Nobody cares. It counts EXACTLY the same as a 100% genuine and sincere expression of support, as lots and lots of

Because the votes count the same whether they’re enthusiastic, somewhat reluctant, very reluctant, made in protest, sarcastic, erroneous, well-informed, poorly-informed, “lesser-of-two-evils” or just plain “close your eyes and hit a button.”

“Just for the votes?”

A Trump supporter who decides to vote for Hillary means that they finally came to the realisation that Trump’s rhetoric brings out the worse of this country and that his ideas are going to destroy us.

Presumably, a Sanders endorsement would only serve to sway Sanders’ supporters toward Clinton for the general election. But why do you even want these supporters?

This is a hilariously dumb comment, I think I might be impressed if it was meant as a troll.

I have a daughter and want her to have the right to choose whether to carry a pregnancy or not.

I have to say, I’m not so sure this is as rare as we hear it is. Every long term couple I know has had at least one very long dry spell just because life got in the way - no looming divorce or conflict- and considering that these people were living under the same roof, in the same room and were already lovers, if that

I totally agree with your ideas on this, if you can have casual sex, do whatever, but don’t assume that everyone is the same or those who act differently have some hang up or are lying about it.

Booo. GPA is, often as not, an indicator of whether you have all day to dedicate to perfecting your studies and coursework (that is, whether you have a day job or a part-time job or kids to take care of or a long commute or onerous extracurriculars, etc.). Link loan forgiveness to grades and you’re not only screwing

Yeah, that’s pretty much how I’m feeling, too. Sure, it’s unusual in this day and age, but if it works for both of them, then who am I to judge?

Hey, my best friend didn’t have sex until she got married at age 32 and she and her husband’s current sex life details make me blush. What works for others doesn’t have to make sense to everyone.

Dismissal of liberal arts is BS. Degrees in many hard science fields are even less applicable to the job market than something like a literature degree, and some engineering fields that used to be considered a sure thing (like petroleum engineering) are now out on their asses thanks to the oil price crash. There is

I know people who took nine years to get a doctorate in a STEM field and are doing life-saving research. Who’s going to sit on the panel that determines who was sufficiently “serious” about their education? Or will you just send the panel a list of people you personally think took too long, to save them time?

... or how about the people who only took three years? Is it UNFAIR to them that they get less debt forgiven? No. That’s fucking ridiculous. Your student loan debt is your student loan debt.

“How dare crooked criminal Hilary Clinton adopt a policy proposal modified from that of the candidate I supported! DOES SHE THINK SHE CAN BUY OUR VOTES THROUGH ACTUALLY MAYBE ENACTING THE POLICIES WE REALLY REALLY WANT?!?!” - how you are about to sound, probably, so maybe don’t.

Despite all the awful shit in this article, I think this is what made my eye twitch the most.