
I thought Chidi delivered the best straight line of the night:

According to a report from the Wall Street Journal last week, Disney is banning Netflix ads on its many TV channels and networks

This seems like the sort of thing that - if we had an FCC or DOJ that were interested in regulating businesses for anti-competitive behavior in any way - they might be interested in doing

If they keep discouniithe service, people are going to be fine paying for both.

Or bundle it in a way that does NOT include sports. ;)

This service is one I plan to binge on early and sub as needed.

Not with the same ease-of-use. Also, by signing in to post a response you accepted the privacy policy and EULA of G/O Media, owned by a private equity firm called Great Hill Partners. So please go on about privacy. :)

No you’re just an ass and we’re calling you out.

HUH, “remote millenial kids to have their kids connect with grandma,” 1. you spelled millennial wrong and 2. the oldest millennials are in their 40s starting next year. Not one “millennial” is a kid. Stop disrespecting people you don’t know shit about.

I hate the line “when all your expenses are accounted for.”
In what other job are “all other expenses accounted for”
If you work at a bank and wear a suit and tie, do you take into account drycleaning costs? How about commute times? (time you are commuting is not YOUR time) . How about the wear and tear on your

Also, if you have a family to feed and you tried to do so exclusively working what advertises itself as a way to make EXTRA money (you know, in addition to an actual job), that’s on you.

Or maybe they can help redo the bar and restaurant scene so that the owners are forced to pay their employees fair and livable wages instead of the customers who already spend a lot of money at these bars and restaurants to foot the bill for the waiters and bartenders

If you want to feed your family and your current job isn’t cutting it working toward a job that will allow you to do so is your best bet. Waiting for your current employer to change your situation is a losing bet.

The damnedest thing is that many of the writers say they’re losing money, but neglect to say why they won’t stop driving. It’s like blaming the knife manufacturers for your constantly stabbing yourself in the leg.

I did at some point relied on this gig economy to sustain me but it wasn’t ever made to sustain anyone. The “be your own boss” definitely throws you off. Living off gig economy is crazy!”

“I don’t like thing, therefore no one likes thing.”

‘Administrative fee’ is some bullshit wording right there. Put up a thing that says ‘We pay our waitstaff a full wage, please do not tip the waitstaff!’ or something like that, don’t tack on a fee that essentially means ‘We want an extra 20% because we needed to use extra administrative assets for your meal.’

This place in SF, nice but not schmancy, has raised prices to pay living wages & benefits, and says tipping is not required. Seems easier than “administrative” charges.

So, good news, Over-Thinker! You don’t have to tip on top of that fee, and you can probably afford that dinner.

Especially in a place like this, where nobody is going to them for commodity dining, and where they are already willing to write an expository essay on their tipping policy, why can’t they just say, “Our employees are compensated appropriately, and that cost is accounted for in the price of the meal"?

It’s really become too big of a pain in the ass to eat at restaurants anymore. I can’t be bothered to keep up with all of the rules, spoken, unspoken or otherwise. Also, restaurants need to pay their workers a living wage and stop expecting customers to subsidize their business.