
Okay, time to get on my soapbox here, because I’m going to be honest: almost everyone here, including the author, is a spoiled ingrate with entitlement issues. How are you not constantly amazed by all the things modern technology can do? Humans have been living on this planet for about 200,000 years. 20 years ago that

Pretty much the size of it. There’s this bizarre narcissistic streak in a lot of folks that assumes if something isn’t “for me!” then it’s not for *anyone*. What a sad, small world such people must live in.

If I was a kid (or a parent with a kid) I can tell I would be all about this thing. I love the fact that Nintendo is even making something like this. It always feels like people are so ready to shit on them for trying new/different things. And then we play them and they end up being fun as hell. I won’t be getting it,

I’ve heard SEA-TAC is similar in pricing strategy. Unions are fighting it at PDX though. Saying it depresses worker wages. They make a little over minimum. So the assumption is concession workers at other airports make significantly more because their food is twice as expensive. I... kinda doubt that.

ITT: people confidently state opinions as if they were facts. People are different and prefer different things! Why do we have to get mad about it? 

Have you never used Skype? Discord? Messages permanently existing isn’t how the internet always works.

but that whole “i’ll buy FB and delete it” proposal from elon musk....

I have unfortunate news for you friend.

This is a moral argument. Moral arguments aren’t particularly strong. Especially when in a country of 300+ million, the government only collects around 300k in purposely overpaid taxes that people functionally donate. That means everyone else is actively trying to lower their tax burden. Is every single person

So having a thorough understanding of tax laws isn’t morally right? Knowingly paying more taxes when you don’t have to is just plain dumb, whether you’re a billionaire or living paycheque to paycheque is irrelevant.

Giving tax cuts to the 1% while the rest get a few crumbs is morally wrong.

That’s a completely different argument and I agree that money should be out of politics, but saying someone committed tax evasion is accusing them of a crime. If they haven’t committed said crime, it is ridiculous to say so.

So? There are sooooo many things one can do in the world that does not break the law, but is not morally right... I feel dumb even saying that. Do you need examples? And how is it morally wrong for someone to lessen their tax burden?

Does this really bother people? What’s the point, that users should be able to do it too? Or that they shouldn’t? To me, this feels like an attempt to pile on...not a big deal.

By your logic, anyone who has ever itemized deductions on their tax return is immoral?

He had a perfectly reasonable response. If I was the CEO of a corp. as big as Facebook I would want that ability too.

If it is legal, it isn’t tax evasion. You can’t legally evade taxes. You can legally lower your tax burden and if you don’t, you are a fucking idiot.

Thank you jcheyney, I’m tired of my religious beliefs being represented by extremist, hypocritical, loud mouths. You put it perfectly.

Maya Rudolph’s judge character is one of the show’s rare moments where things don’t quite gel. Rudolph has certainly more than earned her comic legend status, but the writing and the performance just don’t add up into an interesting or funny character. It feels lazy and unfocused.

There’s something in this show that prevents me from enjoying it as much as I’d wish. I guess it’s because it’s so blatantly high concept and apparently detailed in its world-building that I can’t just be like, “eh, it’s just sitcom chicanery”, because I think dismissing parts of it like that wouldn’t be fair. But at

Starting with the previous episode, and the efforts to make Michael understand the human condition, I wondered why don’t THEY also try to understand Michael? Ask him what his lengthy existence has been like, what he’s done the whole time, what things have changed for him.