
Full disclosure: I sold cars for 6 years, selling new FIAT/Alfa Romeo and used cars.

Let’s not forget that CR broke some of their own scoring rules in order to give the Model S the “best score ever”. If Tesla is mad about anything it’s that Consumer Reports realized they were drinking the Tesla Kool-Aid and returned to the real world.

Yes, to the same people who make phone calls on their landlines, pay for groceries by writing a check, and watch the evening news on their CRT Zenith television set from their Barcalounger.

I’ve seen a few in the wild here in the Bay Area. I kind of like it, to be honest (still hate the “dash”).

I’m not waiting for my December issue of CR, I’m rating it ‘poor’ before it gets to my mailbox.

On the one hand, they have a point. On the other, they sound insane.

Anyone under 60, probably not.

Is Consumer Reports relevant to most people buying a car? Not being sarcastic, it just never even crossed my mind to see what they thought before buying a car.

“Under Texas law, the Austin-based Jones had to retract or apologize for the stories by Friday — one full month after receiving Alefantis’s letter — to avoid exposing InfoWars to punitive damages in a libel suit.”

I thought it was just because he’s an asshole.

Caveman True Paleo: Now enough lead make you smart like caveman!

Could a class action lawsuit be far behind? The owner of Comet Pizza should’ve sued Jones’ up the ass for his contributory fuckwittery.

Lead in your body? That’s literally what NRA does.

I know this doesn’t sound scientific but since Jones appears to be always red-face and sweaty, I suspected undiagnosed high blood pressure and knowing that lead poisoning can contribute to that, makes all the sense in the world.

I thought vaccines caused lead poisoning

At first I laughed out loud when I read your comment. Then I got sad because of just how accurate this is.

If you can taste the lead that means you are free.

No, that’s due to the high levels of mercury in his Super Virility and Mega Patriot dietary supplement.

Does this prove that Alex Jones uses his own products?

Easier to retain your base when they’ve all gone mad from lead poisoning.