
Demos. Advertisers say the older you are the more repeats an ad takes to sell you what they want to sell you. Any medium that survives on advertising wants younger demographics.

My problem as a host is just the opposite. I have friends that DO drink that wish DIDN’T.

You need more parentheses in your posts. Get on that.

I really don’t understand why not drinking is an issue. I don’t drink. I ask the bartender for a coke or a ginger ale. Very rarely, far less than once a year, I’ll have a beer, or a glass of wine. When I do, I don’t usually finish it. I have multiple reasons for this, none of which are anyone’s business, but mine.

I’ve been teetotal all my life, and it’s been a frequent and horrible experience that people deliberately leave me out because they automatically either assume I won’t be fun, or I won’t have fun, where people will be drinking.

I once had a girl walk out on me on a date when she found out I don’t drink; bullet dodged,

Just because it’s Friday the 13th and I want to play devil’s advocate...

This goes for you, as well:

Erm, no. What needs to be changed is the signage and traffic control, not for autonomous vehicles (or anyone) to do California stops. GTFO with that.

Not going to happen.

This is why the biggest benefits of self driving cars will only come in the distant future once every car is mandated to be self driving. Until then it will be a nightmare, which is a shame because this tech is so needed, with 40,000 a year still dying in crashes. Once every car is automated, the weakest link will

I don’t usually write comments just straight critical of the article, but this is pretty brutal. You basically just summarized somebody else’s opinion piece. You could have just put a link to TPG’s site and been done with it. Even then, it should have come with a disclaimer that TPG is not exactly an unbiased

To which I’d repeat the question.

Good for YouTube. The policy exists because advertisers don’t want to be associated with that stuff.

Its about a whiny blogger who wants to make a video and donate all money from that video to charity. It’s also about a douche who uses that video and that stance in order to get more subscribers. If he was doing it only to help survivors, he would donate money from his other videos.

As do I. You can’t make exceptions just because the ad revenue is going to charity you happen to like. Make an exception for this, and the next thing you know, 9/11 truthers will demand an exception where ad revenue from their videos goes to some crazy nonprofit they’ve setup.

On top of that, he’s still gaining viewers and subscribers (ideally for him) with that traffic. It’s like he has nothing at all to gain from this. He may be sincere in his fundraising efforts, but it’s disingenous of him to claim he isn’t benefiting in some way.

Just a bunch of whinny babies. Maybe its time they should get a better job that doesn’t depend on ads and clickBait. This whole youtube/Vine/Instagram/Beme/Snapchat culture of millennials feeling entitled is getting old.  

I used to subscribe to Naistat until I learned his good intentions is not the proper way to do things as it gives other opportunities to do the same with bad intentions from others, if he doesn’t like it, fucking do fund raisers for actual relief efforts and stop trying to use a source that he is so used to doing.

The rules are the rules. Instead of complaining why doesn’t he start pressuring advertisers to donate publicly to his fund in relation to how many views his video gets.

I can only imagine the thought pieces and video blogs that would have been made about the Twilight Zone.