
Apparently his mornings last 22 hours because he would run out of juice by visiting grandma and running errands. With such long days no wonder he has the time to start a new thread with the same crappy information all day long! 

Your initial comment began by denigrating prospective owners as guilty of virtue signalling. While you may not be a neoconservative, that part of your comment strongly suggests that your political leanings are to the right, and that you’re happy to advertise that stance.

Since when are facts stupid?

You go through a tank of gas per day? What are you some kind of lunatic?

I’ve read that LAtimes article about 20 times. The “facts” as you state are misrepresented. But if you want to play that game, Tesla has “4.9 Billion” in subsidies.

Right, because gas magically appears at a pump. Last time I checked, large amounts of power were involved in the sourcing, production, and transportation of oil. Then, you have the power involved with refining and transportation of gasoline. Then the power that all of the gas stations use to then get it from their

I tend to sleep around 8 hours in between needing to drive 300 miles at a time. It seems to work out pretty well. If I don’t have the ability to charge during that time, or drive more than that frequently, I think I’d pick a different car.

Then fight the subsidy. I’m not sure why Tesla is bad for taking advantage of available subsidies. I KNOW the oil companies do.

Charging off the grid during non-peak times is likely still more efficient than individual gasoline engines and the infrastructure they require.

I’m generally impressed you can make the trip to the gas station and fill up your car in 90 seconds from empty.

To be fair, it is a lot easier to shift the burden of clean energy to the grid and not to each and every individual car. So, your energy “could” conceivably be clean, depending on where your power comes from. That can never be the case for a gasoline-powered car.

Of course, you then descend into a rabbit hole about the

I will drive it everyday. I don’t usually drive more than 300 miles in a day.

I mean anyone who says their childhood is ruined is being hyperbolic for humorous effect, unless they’re actual drama queens. But it’s not crazy to say that a tasteless, soulless remake of something you love puts a bad taste in your mouth even if you don’t watch it. People get personally attached to the media they

So now we’re denying the basic ability to recognize patterns. Live action anime adaptations have been consistently trash. People don’t need to be sunny and optimistic and oblivious every time another iteration of a specific kind of movie is presented, ignoring all past experience with that kind of movie.

I mean, yeah, any overreaction from people against this happening should be made fun of. But, uh, there is a definite reason to be wary. For starters, Hollywood’s track record with remake’s is pretty poor. And the argument of “the original is still there” doesn’t hold water to me. If I’m going to try and recommend

I saw the video in the previous story and I’ll be goddamned if I didn’t see a penis. And I was looking too. Like, way too intensely looking for a penis.

So the company is admitting there was an actual penis drawn into the passing background of a single scene in a series, thereby confirming one lone lady crackpot’s worst assumptions, and emboldening her like nothing before or since. Congratulations, assholes! You’ve just opened the floodgates.

Should be simple enough.

The lawsuit isn’t from upset parents, it’s from the studio, who is absolutely experiencing monetary damages here. The episode was removed from Netflix, and that alone is costing cash.

What, no embedded screenshot? I can’t exactly google this from work. You’re killin’ me, AVC.