That’s a cute ass fucking hamster. What the hell is her issue?
You can tell she works at Fox because of those edges. The ancestors won’t let them settle and lay down, since she sold out.
I know, right?
People won’t be as upset about this when they realize he was planning to use all the parts of any Buffalo he got.
Historically speaking, if someone in Czechoslovakia orders you to the oven, you’re quite happy if you’re taken to a kitchen.
What would happen if a woman wore... flats?!?! Would the world implode?
She’s still mean. That’s her thing.
It is not often that you get more mellow as you age if you were already mean to begin with. Is she still mean? Mean as a bear in a cage with beeds.
I had an emergency c-section 7 months ago. When I got my completely insane hospital bill that my insurance refused to cover one penny of (close to $130k). I was questioning why the anesthesia wasn’t covered. Turns out I had neglected to ask which group the anesthesiologist was in. Silly me, being wheeled into surgery…
This goes to show just how screwed up our health care/insurance system is in the U.S.
I want to clarify that it would need to be good pie, not some pecan bullshit
It would be a hate fuck for sure but ya. Would.
You can tell folks to stop dressing up like clowns all you want but the more these stories get spread, the more a few bored jerks who want attention will get the idea to go shopping for clown wigs. Sometimes the media really does make things worse.