
This what the Super Mario movie should’ve been.

As technology grows so do security risk. I cringed while reading this article.

Leaves Note 5 in car for 12 hr shift with 100% battery. Comes back to a dead phone. Sweet. What was the point of upgrading from the Note 4? O yeah “bragging rights and the ability to write with the screen off.”

Nervous who is nervous. I’m a EXPERIENCED gamer. Time for some barrel rolls just to get the blood flowing. Followed by a steep climb. Lets see how high we can go before a stall. This is when we free fall before pulling into a back flip before leveling out. I’d end with a perfect landing. Next time I’d want to try it

So where do I insert my credit card info and when can I expect a technician to be available?

14) ...and sometimes he is petty as hell.

I wonder if there are jerk settings.