That One Guy Greg

Take your cursed star.

On my commute home the other week, a company van ran me onto the shoulder after not letting me enter from the on-ramp, then proceeded to dive across two and three lanes at a time, cutting cars off at ~20mph over the limit (plenty of people driving 270 in Columbus go close to that mark, but traffic on this particular

Plus, in the same way Black Lives Matter didn’t need to exist before cops and judges acted like they don’t, “antifa” didn’t need to exist until fascism took hold. It’s really pretty simple to understand for anyone who actually wants to understand it, rather than shoehorn it into their very stable, genius takes.

No part of me feels good about laughing at that, but no part of me stopped me either.

Starred purely for the introduction to my lexicon of “brociopath.”

Fuck Dean Spanos with Boltman’s head.

My understanding of the EFL’s “fit and proper persons” test, as it’s known, was that it was designed specifically to prevent people like this from buying a club and running it into the ground with so much apathy. Why this protocol wasn’t followed in this instance, I’ll never know.

NASCAR will forever be the benchmark for things I simultaneously love (for the racing) and hate (for virtually everything else).

I knew I had it wrong. Googling “buttery males” took me down a rabbit hole I’ve only just recovered from.

Pretty sure Rosen’s not praying to anyone since he’s an atheist, although that may have been the joke. ISWYDT if it was.

In my defense, I am hopelessly long-winded (as my kids, friends and fiancee will all attest to), so any “long story short” coming from my keyboard is going to be a sincere but ultimately futile effort.

Geez mate, when you put it that way, how could I refuse?

If you were of legal driving age in Australia in the late 1990s, there was at least a one-month period (a lot longer for most of us) when you desperately wanted a Subaru Impreza WRX. Long before they were tied to vape pens, Monster Energy hats and all other aspects of bro culture, WRXes had a godlike reputation among

This clip is also from a game in St. Louis, not Pittsburgh; it’s a different game. Apparently the Pirates do this a lot.

But if the doping charges bring Sun down, he'd better take care.

Either this is a league-wide thing and I don’t go to many other cities’ NHL games, or you’ve been to more than one Columbus Blue Jackets game lately.

...finally giving you a reason to go to Cincinnati, Ohio, a terrible city in a terrible state full of terrible things.

Agreed. I’ve enjoyed reading his recent stuff even more, and this might be the best of the lot.

As someone who filled up at a Marathon today, I feel a sense of solidarity and am also obliged to mention it.

From an Astros fan, this is a shitty take and you should feel shitty.