That One Guy Greg

Run on Josh? What a Reddick-ulous thing to do.

Which makes every single one of them a CP for my (hypothetical) money.

His hometown is called Frying Norton in America.

Late to the party, but the first and only cool car I know of my Mum owning was the 1977 Mitsubishi Lancer Celeste she had when I was born (picture isn’t the actual car, but the color and striping was the same and the wheels were similar).

I find the current crop of performance Dodges to be awfully tacky, and this one egregiously so. And how hard must it have been driven if the owner was compelled to replace the clutch at 22,000 miles?

Ages 8+

They might be better off having it deploy from the front bumper.


I appreciate his willingness to own up to what he did, but in such an elaborate apology to Steam users, I think he hams it up a little.

Apropos of nothing, how did I not know up until this point that the 240SX was offered as a convertible?!

Oh no, by no means am I suggesting MLS is the only such league out there. As an Aussie, I’m watching A-League go through the same thing MLS is, and they’re faced with a similar problem of soccer not being the preeminent spectator sport in the country. Like in MLS, A-League clubs are well served to sign an

As a Rockets fan living in Ohio, I am selfishly hoping for #9.

While MLS has done better with closing the gap between the past-their-prime guys and the young talent, MLS’ stigma as a retirement league will continue to be relevant for as long as the Kakas, Schweinsteigers, Zlatans and Rooneys of the world continue to look Stateside for a paycheck and TV exposure that they can no

I have no statistics to back this up, but I’m guessing you’re not in the minority - and I agree with you too. A lot of things turn me off MLS, and the prioritizing of money over quality on the pitch is top 3 on that list. Yes, every sports league and team owner is in the business to make money, but MLS franchises

And the shiny new toy that brings people in to the shiny new toy is the only thing that matters. With the safety net of the single-entity league (i.e. no relegation to worry about if you tank a season or two), there’s no incentive to find the best available player versus the one with the most name recognition. Asses

MLS will keep bringing in these guys for as long as they continue to sell tickets. More players are starting to come through MLS academies and forging their place in the league, and as Normcore said above, they’re recruiting heavily from South and Central America and getting some decent players out of it.

I thought Spa days were supposed to be relaxing.

I can’t argue with that.

“Rein in the insane disdain for Gaines,” you mainly complain.

Seems like there’s been a couple of Mustang stories so far, so here’s a sure-it’s-a-Mustang-if-you-squint story.