It took me a second to reconcile with my caffeine-deprived brain that the 50th anniversary of 2001 does not make this the year 2051.
It took me a second to reconcile with my caffeine-deprived brain that the 50th anniversary of 2001 does not make this the year 2051.
Great post! Aussie expat here, so can relate to the rally obsession in NZ as we had it too, especially in the late 90s. I’ve always been a Ford guy but by that stage the Escort Cosworth was getting long in the tooth and the Focus WRC hadn’t hit the special stages yet, so I put my brand loyalty aside for a while and…
This should be a CP, but I went with my heart and voted NP because I love me some 60s/70s Eurofords having grown up with them in Australia. My first two cars were a Mk II Escort and then a two-door Mk IV Cortina with the 4.1 straight-six out of the Falcon. It didn’t handle worth a damn (heavy motor for a smaller car…
The only movie role I remember Rapaport in was the “you don’t have to send your posse out here to do a 187 in my ass” mailman in Next Friday, and I’m not convinced he had to do any acting for that part.
I stand corrected.
I never knew bipolar was a proper noun, not an adjective. I mean, I knew it was the name of a condition but hadn’t thought about it beyond that. Thanks (sincerely), I learned something today.
Against the Rockets: No way.
It seems to have made a lot of people cross.
Yeah, I love me some Goldblum, but that’s a hard list to crack top-5 in.
Glad to see a track from Bad Religion’s No Control get a shout out. Front to back, it’s probably their finest album, IMO, and the fact that so many songs get regular live play shows how well it holds up.
The fourth one is absolutely gorgeous, the paintwork and the wheels are a really effective combo.
The Mighty Ducks of Ana-climb.
I noticed that too and wondered if this was another old article that got inexplicably moved to the front page.
In Soviet Uberstan, driverless car gets put into you by end of first quarter.
Middle Americans have been conned by wealthy, self-serving “aw shucks” Larry the Cable Guys for decades. Can’t say I blame the show’s producers and Roseanne herself for seeing a market to tap into - it’s a wellspring that just keeps on giving - but that doesn’t mean I’m at all interested in watching the show.
The video is a song from 311's self-titled album called “Guns (Are for Pussies).”
Off-topic and completely pedantic, but there’s just something wrong about seeing the old WWF graphics package with a newer WWE logo slapped over the top of it (as in the video preview). The WWE video games do this too when you play historic/scenario matches and while I get why they can’t use the old WWF logos anymore,…
no basketball game is improved by having one of the best players in the world removed from it because he got mad.