Thanks, I needed my daily reminder of how shit baseball announcers are. I kinda hoped he would go full giggle though, the fact that he kept on that long without either breaking down or composing himself is amazing.
Thanks, I needed my daily reminder of how shit baseball announcers are. I kinda hoped he would go full giggle though, the fact that he kept on that long without either breaking down or composing himself is amazing.
Is there really no way to buy Mafia 1? I kinda wanted to go through the whole saga before playing Mafia 3...
What’s wrong with Terrence Howard, I thought he was cool?
It’s probably the best piece of software to come out of Google in a quick second. I got the leaked APK and it’s of course buggy, and things like that but there are some things that can be improved(where are the playlists on your gaming channel app!) but it’s amazing for livestreams. Now they just need to buy off the…
This kid is not having any of this.
This divorce is gonna look great when the cap jumps next year.
Not included is the portion outlining Adrian Peterson’s wardrobe, as belt’s have been strictly prohibited.
Look at that not-Trevor, not-Michael, and not-female-Franklin at the end! But it looks nice, i’m very excited.
Does that mean Steam or... also i’m guessing no Mac or Linux.
I don’t think it’s parallel to TLG as much as it is to Horizon Zero Dawn. Both have a weird setting with weird dragons, and modern elements.
And mean, why’d he have to intrude on those poor soldiers :( Just doing their job asshole.
I’m shocked this is an actual publisher with the money to even make that game.
Every time you post a screencap I feel like starting this show. Is it worth it? Think it’ll get a season 2?
My guess is that he’s a Drako, forced to infiltrate the school, be a part of the bad kids club, feud with our protagonist, then do evil shit for his parents. And watch out, David is about to be Snape.
I’m not too worried about them putting out a real solid good game but for some reason I just don’t expect to be blown away by this.
He put that tongue to work it seems.
That’s... a lot of money for just that. Why would someone pay that much? Also this feels like it should be more on the guy getting the boost, not the booster.
People get upset over the dumbest things. “Oh no, she doesn’t look like every other champion!” chill out, jeez.
It’s ascended. It’s no longer like Angry Birds or CoD, we know those things will die, Minecraft is on a Pac-Man level, on a Mario level, and it’s certainly livened up gaming in the same way as those properties. And just like them it’ll be ridden for all the money possible.
Nice little update, but does anyone else want them to remake these games? I tried hopping in KOTOR 1 the other day and between a couple crashes and the overall antiquated feel to... well everything, I decided not to play it. Bioware pls.