
Is there a special monitor or program for that?

Best way to put it. It must be hard, seeing how things turned out and seeing a friend lose their job, but this is on them.

I should watch more E-Sports, this is so hype.

Now if only you could stream TO a One as well. This is actually something i’v been thinking about recently, kinda wishing my PS4 could do this. I mean i’m just getting a Steam Link but if anyone could merge functionality it would be Microsoft.

I just wish there were some boss-battles, less tanking more boss-battling.

Dammit, all those Origin points unspent! /s

Yeah but it’s kind of random tho, I mean the closest connection Colbert has to them is mocking them and having Anita on his show. I mean I don’t think most people wanna mention them at literally every possible opportunity, more likely just forget they exist.

My theory is that Batman becomes fear itself. The toxin eventually becomes nothing to Batman, he grows totally immune to it, but this isn’t the end of it in my mind. No, Batman isn’t just immune to the toxin, he gains powers from it. Batman now has the power to alter the minds of people, alter their dreams, their

I saw someone else post this, personally have had some problems most notably when the game had just come out, even now i’ll get the same error, basically just tells me there are no people online, I can search for a match again but the counter for people drops from the 10’s of thousands to 0 and it just keeps searching

I love it, I didn’t even see any Let’s Players playing it, but it’s just a great game. Also the feeling when you score, so good.

A Griffin is a flying lion.

Man, now I just wanna see Brian’s list.

Besides CPU and GPU it’s pretty good, but Mediatek CPU, ew.

Glad he got his life back together.

I guess Marshawns movie was just a hidden production of Kicking & Screaming 2.

Definitely got me into the film, looks great.

Jason Whitlock brings his edgy and thought-provoking style to

And console too. Just to be safe.

Looks cool, I enjoyed Road Not Take(I think it was free on PS+ one of those early PS+ months), albeit it grew a little stale, still, definitely gonna check this one out.

Probably community service.