
Dinosaurs? It sorta ended that way.

As a fan I wholeheartedly hope he gets better, it's obvious he's been off the past few days (years?) and maybe he should take some time off for his health.


Will he be wearing Yeezy's?

To be fair, Kanye has always been a fairly successful shoemaker, so full on clothes would be the next step.

Definitely not how the song goes.

Yeah that probably helps.

Sometimes I feel bad for Idris Elba with all the shit the internet gives him, poor guy.

Be white.

I just wanna see people get mad at whatever Kendrick Lamar does, this is gonna be good.

*Serious gloomy music plays in a dull room, Rihanna sits on couch*

Why would they put the number 45 in a cereal box? Did it have an MP3 redemption code on it or…

They're still going on with that? Did that many people really watch it, I dropped out after 4 episodes, does it get better?

This just goes to show, nothing is ever really dead, even if you wish it was.

Aw man, I was hoping at you would notice Heath = Dr Dre and make a witty misquotation, if Soylent doesn't notice then… what is anything?

Seriously why did they leave the food? Especially Tobias who went back for A SINGLE CAN knowing Zombama was chasing him.

Michonne had to ease up the situation. There were a couple of pans to Nick, a little antsy, maybe he would have tried something on Rick with the gun he had.

So predictions. Enid is a stray Wolf, the group mentioned a bit earlier in a few ways. She's carving the W in zombie skulls, why I don't know, but maybe as a compass or a sign for the other wolves, like they'll see it and then come for her and the rest of the group. She had the knife and carved a little something in

Is about to stick his dick in some crazy.

Legend Of Korra.