
Okay, i'm going to play Devil's Advocate here and say What The Fuck. Dead Island and Dead Island: Riptide were some of my favorite RPGs of the last gen. I know that puts me in the minority, but this trailer was a bit of a put off.

I say we do the absolute opposite, and Boycott Fox's "Marvel" movies until they give up the rights. Do we really want a Deadpool movie made by the people bringing us "The Fantastic Four go to Degrassi" in Shakycam?"

He totally does look like Chaud. (Chad? Chode? w/e)

I'd be interested in playing this if it weren't so overpriced on Steam. Drop that baby to 30 and we've got a deal, but 60 bucks for an early access digital download is just a bit much.

They showed up again in Day of the Doctor

I'd watch the hell out of that.

chill out dog. Just don't play the game then.

So you're telling me that "The Fantsastic Four" wasn't a comic created in the 60s by Jack Kirby and Stan Lee?

Hmmm Interesting art style

They even let him have it in Heroes! And if i'm not mistaken, in the book Nora and Matt aren't siblings (could be wrong, i've only read synopses) so they should have just let him have it.

His accent is adorable. He's trying so hard but his natural voice peeks through a couple times.

Nice. I hadn't heard of a lot of those. Escaflowne though. I forgot about that show. So good.

Honestly my problem is that i just don't watch enough. I'm SUPER choosy about what Animes i'll give a chance to. Gurren Lagaan, Eden of the East, Sword Art Online (though the second half sucked) AoT, and Death note are the last few I've actually watched all the way through. It's just so hard to wade through the crap

it's at least one of the few current animes that doesn't rely on pervy fanservice nonsense. Everything else is garbage right now.

I just realized i must have seen Pandorum, but i can't remember a goddamn thing that happened in that movie.

Man, that was so good. I'm going to have to watch through that again soon.

Hey guys, have you heard of this game, Minecraft? Yea apparently you can build buildings or some shit, and then blogs won't shut up about it for 6 years. Pretty Rad.

Coming to consoles, June 2045

Custom Robo, Metroid Prime, 3d roam Donkey Kong, Console Pokemon.

Any of those get announced, i'm gettin a Wii U.

Chenoweth is WAY to short to play Mal. More like Smallificent amirite?