

Thanks for that. Made me crack a smile.

Doesn't Blood+air/gas=Heart Attacks? Or are these "bubbles" a different story?

The Hasbro Outrider was the first Ship i owned, followed by various Tie Fighters and _-Wings. (would have used "x" as a variable, but ya know) Always did have a special place for that lil bastard.

People's expectations for this game have always perplexed me. Literally the ONLY things we've seen for this game are a dude wandering around in various environments, and the falcor looking dog-monster-dragon thing. That's it. no gameplay, not even a hint of what the game was actually going to BE. Is it an adventure

Stop trying to make the last guardian happen....It's not going to happen.

Totally confused them. Carry on.

Dragon's Crown? I thought is was Terarria and Mutant Mudds this month?

At first I was skeptical, but reading that it completely does away with the Alfheim nonsense has sold me. Best first half of an anime in a long time. Second half just pissed me off.

Coodegraw shepard will always stand alone.

Oh, Man. That picture takes me back! And was the first thing i thought of when i saw this post. I used to have a small poster sized version of it on my wall! I think it was from one of those poster magazines marvel did in the early 2000s. thanks for posting it!

Omfg give it up already nobody gives a shit. You think people don't know that Card's an asshole? It's common knowledge at this point. Doesn't stop the Ender series from being great. Unless you have one of the first edition copies where he wrote "Elohim Hates Fags" in invisible ink on every 7th page.

Glad to see Agent Koenig in the guest stars list for the Finale. LMD or Flashback?

I remember being in like 6th grade, and finally starting to watch Wrestling regularly, and this was one of the big storylines at the time. Along with Undertaker kidnapping and threatening to "Sacrifice" Stephanie McMahon. God the early 2000's were strange.

Didn't somebody eat Al Snow's dog at one point?

Stop everything you're doing. Close the browser Window. Open steam. Pay the man. Change your life.

So NOT the guy from Celebrity Fit Club 3... Got it.