
I took a break from Veep this season, but this felt like a completely different show. Overly broad and ungrounded from the previously created reality. The situations were so heightened.

Nope, not what I said nor what the show presented. If anything, it was that everyone should be somewhat content with what they've been given in life, not just Peggy. Nobody said Peggy should shut and have kids. Peggy's way got people killed, and she was blind to it. Sometimes you just have to play the cards you're

I think that's sort of the point; nobody really gets the life they expect, deserve or wants. You get the life you're given and you make what you can with it. Lou and Betsy don't have the perfect life, but they still find the happiness in it. It sort of pessimistic and fatalistic in a beautiful way: very Midwestern.

I think reading Peggy's end as anti-feminist is looking at it the wrong way. This whole season has shown people's selfish aspirations of greed getting the best of them; Peggy is just the last to fall. When you look at it, she had a great but simple life: family and a place to call home. But it wasn't enough. Peggy