Highway to the Dawesger Zone!
Highway to the Dawesger Zone!
We are the 98%, Occupy the Dubsteps!
Breaking Bad? That's not gonna end well, and it will kick ass.
I think you mean the rainbow in the dark \m/
You can't top the evil one
Holy shit that was one crazy episode of Inspector Spacetime, that Abed was watching.
Yeah they're coming to my town (DC) soon, I kinda want to go out of curiosity. I also buy several physical copies of Nothing Is Wrong each week just cause I can.
What kind of music do you guys think the movie will feature?
Then they'll team up for their big side project: The Daw Daw Dawes
link please
You got a problem with that?…
In 2031 who do you guys think will be doing covers for the 20th anniversary of 'Nothing is Wrong'?
no but I'll be looking out for it, the next 5 times I watch it.
Actually Walter died within a week of his diagnosis. But, he imagined the whole meth thing because the time he spent with Jesse in Chem 101 was the most important time of his life.
Vince, I don;t give a fuck about why your show is the greatest thing in the history of television. I just wanna know when it starts again. The only reason I get up in the morning these days, is the hope that i will one day see 16 more hours of Walter and Jesse cooking meth and murdering people/
Yes they were used to record Die Mensch Machine…Also I hope the German meth conglomerate shows up next season, and is run by either the members of Kraftwerk or Werner Herzog
Mr. Bob's Toddler Kaleidoscope is one of the most underrated bands of the late 60's
Its that stupid baby…He wouldn't shut up about that baby
Aside from Dawes, who have recorded the top 25 songs of the last 15 years… Im surprised NME didn't find a way to put the Stone Roses at the top of that list.
Don't forget the awesome catchphrases: