I’m not your research assistant, fucko. You’ll just have to look it up to prove me wrong. But nice appeal to authority.
I’m not your research assistant, fucko. You’ll just have to look it up to prove me wrong. But nice appeal to authority.
You do. I can tell.
You shouldn’t, you love me.
Apiarists in cold weather areas such as Canada gas the hives to death before collecting the honey.
I thought you wanted to balance out the crazies?
You just can’t quit me, can you, Jake?
Because I’m loveable.
Because you suck.
You still love me though.
You suck.
Oh, thank you, that means so much.
Oh, it does.
Oh, honey. You mad?
I’m confused on that point myself.
Yes, fuck his sincerely held bullshit irrational belief.
I don’t think pill addiction is part of his religion either.
Fuck that bullshit.
He could have just, you know, had the fucking surgery.
Tell us about your dick, Chuck.