
COMPLETELY Agree with what you are saying about Witcher 3. Its why i could never get more than 4 hours in to it. I think he is being a bit hyperbolic with this though. There are PLENTY of times when running away from lawmen after a train robbery is QUITE thrilling and fun to control. It’s NOTHING like the Witcher 3 in

Kirk - this game is FANTASTIC. Dare I say one of the best games I've ever played. It's certainly the most fun I've had since BOTW. I can honestly say the Switch has rekindled my love of video games in a way I didn't think was possible anymore. I got so bored of the AAA scene on ps4 and Xbox because all the games were

Did you HAVE to say “pinch a few bucks off” ....LMAO!

Did you HAVE to say “pinch a few bucks off” ....LMAO!