
Might want a rewrite, Drew.

Extreme suspension of disbelief that the Browns would be in “win now” mode.

Uh, are you saying you were involved ?

Fellow attorney, just wanted to say I found this article to be absolutely amazing. I think you walked a fine line between this being full of “legalese” and it not being approachable for most people, and it being too elementary of an investigation into what is going on with the court cases here, especially describing

The show benefitted - tremendously - from an incredibly intense pilot. It hooked us and drew us into Naz’s plight right away, even though it fumbled almost every opportunity borne from that intensity in almost every episode that followed.

Wins Above Resurrection

He said “so every other play didn’t end with a shredded ligament.” Why don't YOU try some reading comprehension?

This is some great Kinja.

We won this week. Smell ya!

The title should be:


I’ve watched enough wrestling to know that the fan was just a distraction so somebody could do something illegal to Rollins while the referee wasn’t looking.

Arlington! I work a mile from the Stadium.

Which part of Dallas are you from - South Jersey or Chester County?

Guys, he’s not a Bears fan. Just a Cowboys, Yankees, and Lakers fan; leave him alone.

Oh boo hoo, someone says things I don’t agree with! If you don’t have the balls to stand up for something you believe in, then you don’t really believe in it that much. You’re acting offended just to act offended. And if you don’t choose to stand up for yourself, ignore it and move on with your life. Pretty simple.

The trade deadline is not the hot stove league. The hot stove league is during the winter meetings- you know, when people are likely to need hot stoves.

Nope. I wont be held hostage by fear mongering anymore. I dont want Trump to win, but I dont want Hillary either. So my vote isnt going to her.

ObscureSimpsonsReference is complaining about not understanding non-obtuse video game references.

I am letting it pass me by.
Not talking about it, tweeting about it or shitting on it.

Looks like it’s fun, but also like it’s not my thing.

Also, Mr Robot is back. I can have that.