That's great, but who are the Chefs?
That's great, but who are the Chefs?
You should note that the "chink in the armor" comment was done initially by ESPN by two separate employees. That all happened before Dedes made his dipshit comment.
So we're all clear on this, it wouldn't be okay if someone wrote, "Greg Howard is Deadspin's best writer and flashiest race-baiter!," right?
Here at Deadspin, we find everything to be racist.
What is the announcer supposed to say? Don't let him around your wallet or daughter?
On to the front page now, Greg Howard, their best race-baiter, most sensational writer!
The last thing the NFL needs from a PR standpoint: more Redskins in the NFC East.
Always a bridesmaid, never a bride
(Enrolls at UC Irvine)
it's UO you fucking idiot
***University of Oregon, UO
hmmm.. UO-lmost had this one
Chip Kelly coached at Oregon University.
Man, Chip Kellly even signed known white guys Frank Gore and Byron Maxwell. When's the Klan rally?
What cancer treatment does to your body, mind & soul is so much more brutal than I can put into words. Seeing that Sager sparkle start to return is wondrous. It's a little jolt of hope for a lot of us fighting to come back too.
Call me cynical, but killing that dog probably prevented old Michael there from getting his own heart ripped out that day.
Leslie Knope is too high. She's the most static character and is really just a device to the other characters and plots. Leslie Knope is just a fucking map.
You middle guys are no good for business. As ESPN has repeatedly shown, it's much better for views to take either extreme side of a debate, create a heated argument out if it and watch the sparks fly. Deadspin took notice, they just have commenters play out the argument instead of paying a pundit.