
Cancer-Surviving Libertarian here (who bargained with his employer for his own healthcare). Please go fuck yourself. Cancer survival rates are lower in Universal Healthcare countries.

Half those things happened in Germany too. Also, the Holocaust.

I don’t care. I will forget about this by Sunday. Then, when the World Cup starts in...sometime? (2018 sounds right) I will ask some more knowledgeable soccer loving friend, where the US team is and he will say “oh, they lost in qualifiers” and I will shrug and sip my Miller Lite and flip back to the Phillies game.

Hey - Stage 4 melanoma survivor here. You don’t need me to tell you this is dumb, but I’m going to tell you this is dumb. I was (un)fortunate enough to not really (we think) get melanoma from the sun (I got it on my big toe - not exactly a sun exposed area). I also drink a lot of water and have both before and after

I think I’m going to miss the old AV Club, but welcome back guys!

“first-round wide receiver Jordan Matthews”

Qdoba is objectively better than Chipotle

All Balls

Here for this. Although, it’s not entirely shocking that Wentz had zero prep for his first game.

Eagles fan here. I don’t recall McNabb ever having significant issues with getting hit. Early in his Career he was subject to a couple shots but as he developed more into a pocket passer with some scrambling, it stopped being an issue.


Pittsburgh is in PA? Who knew!


This is disappointing. Not because of Pete Rose - he was a mediocre Phillie who really shouldn’t be worthy of the Wall of Fame (in Philadelphia) regardless of these...extracurriculars (heh).

However, Wall of Fame weekend is one of the highlights of what’s become a pretty terrible Phillies season. Not having an

Please clap.

Damn straight. Sorry we’re trying to protect your constitutional rights.

Why would you feel bad. Now, Rick Solomon, he’ll probably feel bad... and itchy.

I like when writers say you missed the point (of their article). One must always question whether they did a good enough job making it.

So, they’re okay with being held accountable for all the opiates?