
Things I’ve beaten:
Cancer - Check
Baseball - Check
-Jon Lester

Shouldn’t Hamilton Nolan have written this article with a clickbaity title like “These Pro-Wrestlers are paid to little and its bullshit!”

Thanks - it’s not trite at all. If you ever have a friend/family/acquaintance with a diagnosis like this, saying “that sucks” and “good luck” is pretty much what we like to hear. Much better than people telling me I should have eaten more blueberries or it’s just a test from God.

Stage IV Cancer “survivor” here (“”s because there are not guarantees, I’m about 5 months into remission and if I make it to 3 years, I’ve got a very very good chance).

There is nothing more correct than finally moving past the phrase “battle with cancer.” Honestly, Stu Scott had it right when he explained that

This happens with every mouth breathing fan base of every hockey team (so, every hockey team with fans)
-Flyers fan (go fuck yourself)

oh, so this is okay now?

I agree with the sentiment, but la rams didn’t do the delay.

You know what didn’t make the draft exciting? All the faux fucking drama. This has a been a slow march towards making the draft excruciating. It used to be, you had no idea what was going to happen, what the deal with trades were, how things were going down. And, when we did know things, they were just known. Teams

We all have those well-meaning, but slightly clueless white friends.

Is this what passes as an article on jezebel? You guys make Gawker look like Pulitzer prize winners.

If they ever make a new new testament, you should be included +1

no, you’re normal. This article was written by someone who’s never been to a real bachelor party (mostly because she was never a bachelor)


Skyrim over Oblivion - okay?

Jeff Beukeboom


I have watched SEVERAL emmy awards.*

*just kidding, no one watches the emmys

You have to admire the logic at work here.

A = A.

Excited to see both teams picking 1-2 by 2020.

he was pitching well, but he pulled him - whoops. What’s confusing?