
The problem with classic ballpark foods is that most of them are now shit. Some things, you just can’t fuck up (peanuts, cotton candy, sunflower seeds). But dogs, burgers, tenders, nachos, etc. are basically the same hot garbage they serve at theaters.

I’m not sure what’s worse, the leg drop Petchesky’s ego attempts with his holier-than-thou attitude or the alzheimer’s jokes in the comments.

Deadspin truly is diverse

legit terrible post.

Did people actually get upset? If Bomani Jones wears that T Shirt in a Forest and no one sees it, does it really matter?

Head - once every month or two
Balls - twice a day


Maybe I’m wrong, but I thought the plot was the theft of the plans for the Starkiller base (which is admittedly Deathstar 3.0). Seems like they would have had a lot more to work with.

Whatever, looks pretty good.

He always played balls out.

Rock personality of today + Rock normal sized body (and sick hair) of yesteryear

Is the joke that Jezebel somehow still has readership with this hot mess?


Naturally, the woman just copies and pastes all of the man’s work.

Got any recipes?

Oh great. Bad Jokes, Terrible Commentary, Listacles and Liberal Hot Takes.

Wait, what’s the difference?

While I appreciate the sentiment, this wasn’t exactly the Hill I would have picked to die on.

Yeah, okay Jezebel. Here’s my reminder for all democrats.

Bad Person =/= Person I disagree with.

This is independent of Rob Ford, but the Gawkeratti seems to take the position regularly.

...What is Jeff Fisher doing?

Duke is massively overrated this year rather than it’s usual, regular overrating?