
I think Team America rips on both parties pretty thoroughly.

The red guy looks almost exactly like General Treister from the Venture Bros. when he hulks out.

Why is Karl Urban so great as bones?

He’s on loan from Adult Swim until they can fix him

So. A furry, a fembot, Dirty Stache Hulk, Iron Lady of Tarth, and Cap’n ‘Murca’s Rockette Cosplay. This is going to trend well in certain, uh, fandoms.

Yeah seriously...and not just this. Im not excited about anything I’ve seen for post civil war. Im only really interested in what happens to Peter at this point. As hes the only character with their own civil war book who hasn’t appeared in any of the teaser stuff yet....could this mean....?

Man that art work is just horrid. Im sure galactus killed himself because he didn’t want to have to live in those pages anymore....

Stop being wacky, Al Ewing! A good concept is not the same thing as a good story!

This seems terrible. Granted Squirrel Girl by herself makes things terrible...

Been there. Done that.

honestly, I loved everything they were doing with Cyclops up until Bendis came and ruined the X-men post AvX

Do NOT get me started on Richard Rider. lol Sam has been an alright character, but nowhere near as interesting as Rider was (IMO), post-Annihilation.

It was an incredibly dumb reason for them to split, but at least the two books that came out of it were quite good.

I’m no Whedon fanboy, but his Cyclops was the best in Astonishing.

Being a child of the ‘80s and ‘90s, I prefer team Guns

Man, I remember the run-up to Messiah Complex when they kept going on about how it was going to mark the beginning of Cyclops stepping up in a big way.

Basically, Aaron is a giant fan of Wolverine (which is fine), but he was able to convince the editors to let him to basically turn Cyclops into a crazed mutant extremist that made Magneto look reasonable by comparison. I was... not a fan of that story arc. He’s dead now, as of the post Secret Wars arc, due to a clash

For that price, the toy should open up like power armor in Fallout, and then your able to stick a person inside it. Make it come with its human actor.

I thought he might be cast as the Samaritan, or the priest, or the Levite, but now I realize he is going to be cast as the ILL INTENT