
...I had majored in Ancient History.

“Because that’s the gender the character was when we created it.”

...... Woah

We’re done with the internet for ever.

Crush rediscovered and ultimately transferred.


I love the backgrounds.. Can I get those as wallpapers without the main character’s vehicle in the view? Yeah that’d be worth staring at all day.

Miata’s have always been decent looking to me.. Especially the more recent ones.. Nothing special, but decent looking.

Crackpipe. Didn’t even have to read/hear/see anything else.


Oh look ANOTHER fucking road rage post on Lane Splitter.

“Hey, don’t forget that gun violence exists.”

Normally I’m Captain Ridiculous Project and can come up with some hairbrained scheme for ANY car...

From the previous article:

If you like this, check out Stars of the Lid.

Man.. Poor guy. I hope he doesn’t get any fines or charges..

Cry me a river


5 1/2 minute hallway