The most infuriating part for me, is that she almost certainly believes she earned it and daddies money and friends had nothing to do with it.
The most infuriating part for me, is that she almost certainly believes she earned it and daddies money and friends had nothing to do with it.
I know plenty of Pentecostal girls that are forced to cover every inch of their body (except the head, but by God you better not cut that hair) for the same reasons.
Should put them in his microwave, best Faraday Cage you can find on short notice.
I would recommend Witch Hunter Robin for a great starter anime. It is short and self-contained without a huge amount of mythology to have to get. Plus it rocks!
I had to stop reading for a moment, to come down here and comment on how fucking amazingly beautiful this section of the article was, "Many things are moist. Motor oil. Braised pork belly. A bog. Bangladesh." Like seriously, it made me lol while enriching my soul.
Is there a secret grocery store for rich people where everything is super cheap?
Read his response to Jayins666, and it will probably make more sense. This isn't really an article for diehard league players, but casual fans like me.
My fav of all time has to be the one from Vanilla WoW that went something like:
Your response made me Lol.
PVPing on Sorrow Hill in Vanilla.
Holy crap that was awesome!
Bleaching the color out is the first step to bright green hair right? Can't wait for to see Leto's Joker.
I think this could be re-titled to "So I have played an MMO for a while."
I recognized the name of every women he mentioned. But that big list of "good" male candidates? I had no fucking clue who any of them were.
The Way of the Gun final shootout should be on here. One of the best realistic looks at a gunfight I have ever seen onscreen.
Oneitis is a terrible scourge on our generation. I would recommend prescribing "date casually with multiple people and don't even try to get serious" and take for as long as needed.
So this call… ,
"while making sure they look at least sub-par."
So this seems to be a big steaming pile of enforcing gender norms. Way to go? We really need to be telling all these men how to MAN better. That is precisely what this world needs.
This is fucking sad.