
My prediction:

This is the game I thought he was talking about at first, and was made of win.

I really want to do a male Lagertha.

If anyone can find a place where I could give this woman money for her music please let me know. Pharrel is 100% right, that shit is awesome.

Your troll game is strong. I especially like how you dropped literally every reasonable response in your opening comment and bravo on completely avoiding discussion about the actual assault shown in the video. But you have to work on your responses after that brilliant opener. Instead of responding with small one line

I am starting to wonder how often you wear jeans, are you one of those slacks 90% of the time people?

The reason I bash it, is because I really really wanted to use it and like it. I love the idea of cutting the uber-rich producers and giant corporations out of my music. But when it came out it was more expensive than Spotify while having less selection and a million times worse user experience ( which is saying a lot

Mary Seacole come to mind, although she is a little older than 60 years. But still an unsung badass.

Yeah, it is pretty impressive. Then again you can find some traditional tattooing that is amazingly awesome but done only with a sharp stick, some talented hands, and a lot of patience. Humans can do amazing things with enough practice.

Copy and paste? Really? I thought we had moved past this in our relationship.

Try reading a book if you want to learn something (I know that may be difficult for you so feel free to ask for help with any big words). I personally like our arrangement of you spewing out vitriolic sexist word vomit that I glance at for a second to grab the most eye catching of your ignorance to throw back in your

Yay!!! You’re back! I though I had lost you there for a second. Whew... O, and thanks for letting me know I didn’t risk my life. I guess I should go back and tell my friends that died that they are alive again. You have certainly brightened up my day, also, you are still sexist. I hope you have a great day my friend

Ok, so when I ask you to try the talk a whole bunch thing, you give me short insults and when I ask you to explore your insults, you give me this massive wall of text. I am starting to believe you have trouble taking direction. I would advise you to enlist, they will teach you how to take orders ;) Also I deeply

Ugh, really? Are you even trying at this point?

I know that women and men are equals. It is what separates me from sexists like you. This profanity thing is starting to grow on me though, lets explore your use of foul language. I mean, my grandma swears like you.

You know, I am unsure if being more vulgar and insulting will add to your arguments merit. I would advise going back to the, if I talk longer he it will make more sense, strategy. I was absolutely a pog, although in country they always called us fobbits. BTW you are still sexist.

Keep making your replies longer and eventually your sexism will turn into rational thought.

You are a sexist and an idiot. You can link to whatever the hell you want, you can curse and fear monger all you want, you can claim that you are “just listening to the science,” all you want. You are ignorant, but your refusal to just admit that you are sexist is by far the saddest part. Women can be just as capable

You are wrong and a sexist. You shouldn’t fight so hard for your ignorance.

I believe the testimony of the person who was actually there with them over “some guys I know.” But I suppose some sexist assholes friends (that may or may not exist) couldn’t possibly also be sexist assholes that would lie. But I guess the OBVIOUS answer is that the soldiers that went through the course right beside