
I believe it is a testament to what the human body can accomplish that doesn't come with a ultra competitive culture or any inherent aggression really. It is kind of the sport for people who hate sports.

Saving money is not a "great thing" it is a necessary thing and therefore it not being easy isn't something you should gloss over like it doesn't matter. Thanks

"You're nuts if you're buying this with gold and have any other use for gold." You might want to consider that some people have other uses for actual money.

"For some reason, bows deteriorate faster than most other weapons", maybe because they are delicate piece made from wood and string as opposed to a forged metal sword? It is funny that we have been so conditioned by video games that everything should be equalish, that something being logically worse seems weird.

Seeing Transformers fight, without a jumpcut every 1.2 secs is amazing.

That is precisely how lettuce makes me feel.

All I can think is "Why would I want to be dry, when she is all wet?" I can't believe someone made a 6 figure salary pitching those ads.

One of those Crytek reviews reeks of being a fake done by the boss. "Cons – You have to work hard!!" Lol, what real employee would list that as their only Con.

Can you answer a question for me? Cause I really want to know if you are a MRA that crawled over from reddit and just want to argue, or are you a Fox paid comment bomber? Your troll-style is just all over the place and I can't tell. Thanks in advance! <3

Who could possibly have seen this child and not have realized this instantly? I have never watched the show, but clips and articles about this poor child told me all of this. Is anyone actually surprised?

I now officially consider myself a "loud introvert."

I never expected to see a Zathras quote today. Thank you!

The Bible is just a book. You should go back to school and learn about how the real world works.

I just have to say that "like a bolt of righteous fucking lightning" is my new favorite way to describe anything.

Nat guard and I have to go, can't argue forever. You seem to care about people so I hope you can get past this bullshit that is in your way. Don't buy into the corporate stooges and try to read up on logical reasoning and fallacies it will make for better discussions in the future.

I've been to Iraq, one year on Camp Taji in OIF 2. I have seen how bad it is first hand, and I know that with education and knowledge all the people of this world can come to understand that hatred and oppression are wrong. Will it happen instantly? No, of course not. It was not instantaneous in Europe either. Will