
If we could all just take a moment to look at that Mindy Project Season One cover in the Amazon ad. Are we all looking at it? Okay, compositing a group photo from pictures clearly taken at different times is par for the course for ensemble DVD covers, I get that. But—and look, maybe I'm just mad because I used to be a

"Where's Agent Doggett?"
"Working a case. Disappearance of a couple of bootleggers, by the names of Vance and Coy."

It is now!

Surprisingly, yes. But his rider is outrageous. Where the hell am I supposed to find a DVD of Bakersfield P.D.:The Complete Series?

I thought he was going to play detective Baby Legs, who finds out his new partner is…Regular Legs.

One time I had a dream I was in a buddy movie with a turkey that was on the run from the Mafia. I don't remember the name of the movie, or if it was even a movie at all; maybe it was just a dream about hanging out with a turkey that was on the run from the Mafia.

In some cases they didn't even wait until the next episode. There's one with Zachary Quinto and Kristen Bell and I swear they each change alliances three times mid-sentence.

Not to be one of "those guys" but the book I'm never going to write is actually about the beacon-style time travel having already been invented, and people quickly lose interest because you can only travel between points when the time machine is up and running. So there's this push to create true backwards time

Schrodinger's Internet

It's more like the title being "The Berenstein Bears;" it never actually happened.

Also, hold on I have to go read about what a pocket universe us.

It's just what people do when they go back in time. Tourists have their pictures taken holding up the leaning tower of Pisa, time travelers kill Hitler.

My question for the Stein truthers out there, why would Jewish bears be dressed like hillbillies?

Upvoted because I learned something today.
The A.V. Club
It's edutainment!

As a lifelong devotee of terrible puns and an avid watcher of television, I assure you it's always been "Stain." The terrible pun half could not pass up commenting on anything that ends in "stain," and the tv half heard "Berenstain" on Saturday mornings when I couldn't find the remote, or the occasional Christmas

You didn't see the one where Ma regurgitates a worm into Brother's mouth?

None of this explains why they have beaks.

I just assume it's terrible because as much as people complain about the world, for there to be people flooding here from another universe, that place must be extra shitty.

Well I saw blue and black, but I thought it was BEARenstain. Which I realize now would have been redundant.

Oh my God, I swear that used to be spelled "stupid!"