
Hey, when you guys say "ape shit," you put the accent on "ape," right? It's just that my wife says apeSHIT, and in 36 years, I've never heard anyone else pronounce it apeSHIT. She also says waterMELON.

A man gets on stage, But When He Says THIS about his previous film, I'm FLOORED!

Or the email password of someone who has it, so you can watch on Starz Play, at least until they have a subscription service like HBO Now.

I thought the best part was the brownface was just to distract people from noticing she dressed her son as her husband.

Growing up in the 80s with The Transformers, and to a lesser extent, The Wuzzles, I actually like things that are two things. When done correctly. There's nothing inherently wrong with combining Inside Out and Inception (Or Inception and Nightmare on Elm Street, bitch!), so long as "combining" takes more effort than

I always wondered if it was weird that Maria from Sesame Street was my first crush, but looking at the comments, that seems to be the default setting.

"a very good band with a very bad name" Stephan Patsis would like a word

Life, uh, finds a way.

There's a guy I used to work with, who posts gems like "going too get my ged tommarow" in between rants on why people who think the Confederate flag is racist don't know anything about history. I can't unfriend him though, because it's just fascinating to watch someone whose opinions are so patently terrible utterly

Huh. So allowing gay people to marry didn't trigger an insatiable lust for cock? That means, for the first time ever, Fox News might have been wrong.

If a movie involves a dog, I stay the hell away. Because I KNOW that dog will be dead before the credits roll. Unless it's one of those talking dog movies, like those frigging Buddies. I could sit through 90 minutes of those little bastards succumbing to cancer or drowning or whatever.

I hope she at least gets a writing credit for Madam Panhandler, about the wacky hijinx of a shantytown brothel runner. Rob Schneider could play a Korean dwarf.

I know they're hellish abominations that spout hackneyed puns staler than Vaudvellian bread, but I unabashedly love the McNugget Buddies. I've always been a sucker for things with faces that aren't supposed to have faces.

I for one am looking forward to seeing this on the big screen. Peoria needs to be taken down a notch.

So what's up with your nards?

The discrepancy is important,because one day a billionaire will finally say "Hey, why don't we just build these things?" So they'll need accurate blueprints.

Has anyone checked the back of his neck for elevens?

Better Become Saul

Oh and Ramsay's crazy lady friend. Forgot about her.

Prediction: the only "death" from the finale that actually sticks is Stannis' wife, whose name I don't even know. I want to say…Becky?