Aw, whocurr what you think.
Aw, whocurr what you think.
Khan-ye doesn't care about Spock people.
He was my favorite Little Rascal.
This article is filled with lies and pictures of also lies! The dress is white and gold, dammit! I'm not so paranoid to think that the pictures of the "real" dress clearly showing it to be blue and black have been altered (lthough I won't entirely rule it out) and I will concede that maybe, somehow the dress really is…
So Daft Punk are Roy Orbison and Daniel Stern?
Hmm…Not apeshit enough, Go back out and do it again.
I just started the second season of multimedia crossover content.
I work at Target. I know, I know, I shouldn't brag. Anyway, when they told us about Target ticket, I thought it was going to be a subscription service like Netflix, but it was an a la carte deal like iTunes, Google Play, etc. It had all the same titles as everything else, and the same prices, making it not badm but…
BREAKING NEWS: In light of recent events, the editor of The Oklahoma Daily has stepped down effective immediately and will be replaced by Duke, the Bush's Baked Bean Dog.
Is this the gritty origin story of Marty Feeb saving a chunky elf from being eaten by a crow?
Tell me about the six dollar blowjobs, George.
Damn it! I'm blaming my phone. Everyone who's ever endured that commercial knows it's "5-8-8"
"…as no football fan gives a shit about upholding their conference’s reputation." I've got to disagree. Whenever the Pats aren't in it, I always root for the AFC team. If the Colts win tomorrow, well, they're my team. What am I gonna do, cheer on Green Bay or Seattle? The NFC can go shit in their hats.
God, I'm so sick of hearing about Empire. All day long, it's "800-500-2300. Empiiiiire! Today!" Empire is about Stan Lee installing carpets, right?
And Brooklyn Nine-Nine takes a hit in the all-important "people who say 'feh'" demographic.
I saw the trailer for this and was completely confused by the taxidermist villian. He's a talking bear. That's the whole reason she wants him in her collection. So say she kills and stuffs him, then what?
"Look, everyone! A talking bear!"
"Looks like a regular old bear to me."
"Well he spoke when he was alive."
"Sure he…
One of them found out about it, beat him up so bad he ended up in a hospital on Guerrero Street.
I don't care. Momentary Lapse of Reason is my favorite Pink Floyd album, even if it is an underwhelming solo album for Gilmour's thin vocals.
This movie may be terrible, but so is David Hasselhoff's music, and that somehow united Germany. How crazy would it be if this Hasselhoffian movie is even tangentially responsible for ending Un's dictatorship, and 25 years later, they erect an eerily lifelike James Franco statue at the site of the old Demilitarized…