
I'm pretty lucky in that I -can't- forget anything in my apartment, lest I don't actually make it very far. To wit: If I forget my keys, I can't lock the door. If I forget my wallet, I can't swipe my way into the subway which is only a block away (another thing I never take for granted). If I forget my headphones, I

Yup, this. The way I do it.

It's okay, I'm with you. Here, have a white blindfold.

It's okay, I'm with you. Here, have a white blindfold.

I was so goddamned upset when it happened, I couldn't think straight for hours after. Mr. Ehrmentraut's… in a better place now… IT'S GOTTEN SO DUSTY IN HERE.

I was so goddamned upset when it happened, I couldn't think straight for hours after. Mr. Ehrmentraut's… in a better place now… IT'S GOTTEN SO DUSTY IN HERE.

Oh this is tremendous. I can't wait to see more.

Oh this is tremendous. I can't wait to see more.

I'm a diehard Spotify fan, and a subscriber, so I can easily say that for me it's the way to go. Obviously, that's not the way it should be for everybody; some folks feel the need to own the physical media. I respect that. If you own the CD, nobody can ever take that away from you, unless someone punches you in the

I'm a diehard Spotify fan, and a subscriber, so I can easily say that for me it's the way to go. Obviously, that's not the way it should be for everybody; some folks feel the need to own the physical media. I respect that. If you own the CD, nobody can ever take that away from you, unless someone punches you in the

Listen, I'm a pretty tolerant person who generally tries to find the good in people, but your taste buds are total garbage if that's what you think. Total. Garbage.

Listen, I'm a pretty tolerant person who generally tries to find the good in people, but your taste buds are total garbage if that's what you think. Total. Garbage.

I… what? I didn't think this movie was that funny, and this didn't do much to sway me.

I… what? I didn't think this movie was that funny, and this didn't do much to sway me.

I really needed more time to take in "The Audacity of Dope." You trampled all over it, you monsters. It was tremendous.

I really needed more time to take in "The Audacity of Dope." You trampled all over it, you monsters. It was tremendous.

This isn't the ABSOLUTE WORST thing I've ever heard, but, yeah.

This isn't the ABSOLUTE WORST thing I've ever heard, but, yeah.

What? I don't see—- OH. OH MY GOD IT'S LIKE A PENIS! That's brilliant as shit!

Was this episode a challenging look at society that holds a mirror up to all of us in an effort to reveal that for better or worse, we make assumptions on people based on latent biases we disguise outwardly as good intentions? I can't answer that for you. I can say that Cupid Me was fucking outrageously funny though,