
::pokes head back into doorway:: Oh, what the hell. One more. SIIIIIIIIMMMMMMSSSSSS!! ::leaves::

I'm going to see these reviews off in classic, overwrought-with-emotion sitcom fashion:

That addendum was so good I've forgiven this ending. I can watch it thinking "it sucks, but at least there's a little more."

That ABC executive was so excited to make that statement he forgot to speak in complete sentences!

That would be so much better than whatever the fuck The Office comes up with.

OHHHHH…. served?

Screw it, sleep is for the weak. FREAK US ALL OUT.

To me this is the story of two albums. The first, a fun pop album that sounds like his best since, maybe, Hissing Fauna, then those last 3 tracks which suck all the energy out, in my not-humble-because-I'm-right-so-come-at-me opinion. Up to then, though, this is a fine, solid album.

At this point it seems like these episodes are test eps for some kind of suburban spinoff, to which I say "please, no." I was half-hoping the bee-suit would burn the house down so Marshall and Lily would have to go back to their apartment.

I think I liked this ep a lot more than the reviewer. At this point, I consider the writing staff to be a bunch of plucky folks who gosh durn, want to churn out some honest to goodness drama once in awhile. And hey, this episode wasn't terrible! A solid B for not-terribleness.

Goddamnit, that's a lot.

Goddamnit, I'm so addicted to Words With Friends I have to get Quarrel Deluxe to help me break that addiction. This won't come back to bite me in the ass, right?

Am I totally missing something here? The reaper asking him what his decision is, and Bobby simply looking back at him before the cut to black means that they didn't answer whether he's alive or not after this ep?

Carnivale, so that I can bitch in the comments under every piece about how HBO screwed us all out of an amazing series. EVERY. PIECE.

This is terrible news. He's a hilarious guy who was a great foil to Opie and Anthony when on the air with them. I really hope that he recovers, because 40's just… it's too early.


Seriously. Fuck HBO very much for canceling that show.

Fine, just don't try to feed me any more bullshit about how the Matrix sequels were anything but garbage. Except the Twins. They were badass.

I am a grade-A sucker for these movies, I admit. I watched the first movie in the theater, couldn't sleep, then watched the second one on DVD and had to pause it a couple of times because OH MY GOD WHAT'S ABOUT TO HAPPEN I CAN'T WATCH.

I weep, for mine eyes do not deserve to behold such fine, beautiful art.