
This show most definitely has its problems, but I really found the ending absolutely horrifying, which hasn't happened since Trinity. I enjoyed this episode as a whole, and with adjusted (read: lowered) expectations, I'm hoping that this will turn out to be a fun season. I feel like the wheels are turning just a touch

Oh goddamnit. Me too.

It just so happens that Umbrella has developed the cure for CancerAIDS,

That was by far the best part of that movie. We need more deadly hallway lasers in Hollywood.

I've got to say, I always thought the first movie of this series was my favorite, until I watched it again. That sucker did not age well.

Like any other remix album, I heard remixes of the same songs far too often, and too many repetitive techno beats. I adore Radiohead, and loved their live show in NYC a couple of weeks ago (HUMBLEBRAG UP IN HURR), but this… I just… meh.

I humbly accept your tip and intend to use it to better myself as a commenter and as a person.

I guess you can say that Nick Swardson WASN'T born to be a star AMIRITEEVERYBODY?

Bingo bango!

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