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    Oh I am too. It just seems to be not quite as on par as my Win7 install. But maybe if I just upgrade it will work like it should. Or I could just reshuffle my shortcuts to somewhere else. I’m ready to upgrade it just to get all that space back from the download it’s stored on my HDD waiting to install ;)

    Only thing holding me back on my Win 7 machine (my Win 8 machine got upgraded ASAP and I love it), is that my Start Menu has been meticulously customized since Day 1, and I’ll be sad to lose it

    Just be sure to upgrade to Windows 10 by July 29th of this year if you want the free license.

    Good to know, seeing as I just got it. “Can be fixed” as in easily replace the keypad or what? I’d be curious to know to store the knowledge away for later

    Good to know, seeing as I just got it. “Can be fixed” as in easily replace the keypad or what? I’d be curious to

    I got this remote for Christmas after my parents got it for me at this price on Black Friday. I really love it. It works great, is super easy to program, and I’ve not had any issues with it at all

    I got this remote for Christmas after my parents got it for me at this price on Black Friday. I really love it. It

    Completely agree on this one. When I was alone, there was no clock in my bedroom, just my phone (which I never touched during the night). As soon as I got married, my wife said she can’t sleep without a clock in the room. I just had to get into the habit of not peeking at it when I wake up, and it does seem to help

    I came to this article solely to state that this picture looks like it came from an extremely uncomfortable porn scene

    I think my dad is literally addicted to taking napkins from fast food restaurants. Like, having a half dozen or so in the car is helpful. My mom lost it one time when she opened the center console and I swear that the stack was roughly six inches thick

    When a mass pizza order is filed, someone always orders either a veggie pizza (why) or a supreme pizza, and neither one ever gets eaten. You should order a few plain pizzas, a few pepperoni pizzas, one or two sausage and mushroom pizzas, and that’s it. You don’t need any niche-market pizzas.

    Clearly, I should RTFM. I can still input everything manually w/o linking in the new version of the program.

    Since it’s switching to an online model from (what looks like) a plaintext model where the files are on my computer (I’ve not used this before, so bear with me if I’m wrong), do we know about the security of this? I used Mint for a while, but then really didn’t like the idea of it having read-access to my accounts. It

    Certainly not just you. Can’t use them on anything but a phone, and at the end of the day it’s just a short movie clip. I’m underwhelmed as well

    You lost me at creamy texture... I like scrambled eggs done hard, or whatever they call them

    Just saw the tweets you’re moving to HTG. Feeling a lot happier now knowing your name will just transition from here to there!

    Very sad to see you go, Whitson! With your loving care and guidance, I not only set up nas4free, but I also built my first computer thanks to your video tutorials! You’ve been a great read on here. All the best down the road.

    Sunrise Point, Bryce Canyon, UT for views of the dusty red rock formations.

    Never seen anything this guy has done on YouTube before, but I thought he explained that really well on a subject that frankly I never bothered to research. Will definitely be checking out more of his stuff

    I use Authy as well. But I can’t seem to get along any farther until I put it my mobile number for a “backup” unlock.

    Well of course it’s a Honda Accord at the top of the list. You steal that car, and you suddenly blend in with the hundreds on the road with you at any given moment