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    Added! Thanks!

    As could I! You're added, thanks!

    Added you!

    Just beat the Elite Four. Harvesting me some codes. You're added! Thanks


    Just beat the Elite Four. Harvesting me some codes! You're added.

    Thanks! Added back!

    I'm in the same boat! Grad school doesn't want me playing for some reason. Doesn't seem right.


    Added you as well! Thanks :)

    Always on the lookout!

    Dunno if thread is still going, but my code is 2895-7264-6230!

    That's why I love Seesmic for Android. I can use the "mute" feature to block anything I want to. Aka, I have Breaking Bad and many other related terms blocked till Netflix gets the last half season. And heads up, don't read NewWorkBurner's comment if you're avoiding spoilers.... he totally had a huge one...

    Why can't I recommend this post more than once?!?!

    Also a non-cylon related BSG reference!

    Best part of the video? The Super Mario-esque 8-bit version of "Roll Out the Barrel". Must have!

    I may be too late to this party, but a question I've always had concerning retirement:

    I'm with you! Being a psych major, I enjoy seeing articles about things we've discussed, as well as ideas like this that may not have been mentioned in a classroom setting.

    Ha this line is a classic. I've used it successfully a few times, albeit at college parties and never been tested in the real world

    Once the person responds, you can ease into the conversation with “small talk” like,