You know, not all horror fans love every sub genre of horror. They probably saw the movie because they enjoy horror, but the “gore for gores sake” stuff is pretty shit usually. I’m not sure why pointing that out is such a problem.
You know, not all horror fans love every sub genre of horror. They probably saw the movie because they enjoy horror, but the “gore for gores sake” stuff is pretty shit usually. I’m not sure why pointing that out is such a problem.
After having tried to watch Terrifier, I can easily say if this is the future of horror, I’m out. Artless, joyless, miserably gruesome, and utterly cruel. No thank you.
You guys don’t cover pornography on here, so why do you keep offering publicity for this piece of revolting torture porn?
I’m confused. Does this mean that all of America’s founding fathers weren’t good singers and did not communicate in song.
Also why isn’t this in Russian with no subtitles?
Were you under the impression this was some sort of documentary?
Laszlo is such a great character. He doesn’t care at all for power. He loves his wife completely. Like, there’s less than 0 chance he’d ever fall in lvoe with anyone else and you can tell. And it turns out he’s loyal as anyone ever was when he decides to be.
I’m just gonna start posting on popular posts since nothing else works so...
Old Loki, why must you hurt me so?! That man really created an illusion of his home one last time and went out laughing. I already miss him. (Also makes me wonder if there is a Loki out there on an isolated planet who never came back to Asgard.)
This, 100% this. The scene was much more impactful only seeing the look on B-15's face, wit the tears and rain mixing together. I only came here to post what was basically your comment, subtlety is a lost art and I loved the subtlety of that moment.
“Surely the scene where Sylvie shows Hunter B-15 memories of her past life was meant to be a flashback montage, not just two women standing in a rainy parking lot.”
That scene worked for me. We didn’t need to see. In fact, I think the lack of flashback made it easier for viewers to put themselves in B-15's place.…
I saw it the some way. That was his punishment in the Time Cell
The most interesting idea in “The Nexus Event” comes right at the beginning, as Loki tries to comfort Sylvie as asteroids hurtle towards them: The thing that makes a Loki a Loki isn’t a godly sense of entitlement or even a trickster’s mischievous, it’s that they always manage to survive, no matter how many times…
Is there ever a sense of risk that the title character of a TV show isn’t likely to die?
Yeah I just could not follow it. They seemed to literally be running around in circles.
Back then he was called Regularface.
I can’t go on without knowing about the madcap exploits of young Taserface.
I’m all about getting some backstory for Valkyrie. And I have no doubt Tessa Thompson could carry a movie.