
lol I can’t believe people would take issue with an escalator.

That would have been much better (so much better that I wonder if it happened in an early draft of the script.) But we’re explicitly told these are pirates, not rebels, and they’re not the same species as the natives.

Assuming you’re not joking, Ctrl + I.

The Bob Ross.

Going with the themes of the episode, I think he just assumed they were pirates when they were probably actually people fighting to sabotage the Imperial guys who were invading their land/planet.

Filoni’s Clone Wars series is often about the devastating consequences of war on regular people. The prequels were just dumb.

William Friedkin’s thoughts about Star Wars and its effects not only on his own movie but the entire film industry are well documented. Spoiler: he is not a fan. 

The face scanning machine should have gave a “PC Load Letter” error

 This episode was very hardcore. Espeically in visual detail regarding atrocities. like Jesus Christ lol. I went from clone wars “missi ouch my fingersa!” to “the smell of space-naplam on their space-flesh is something i’ll never forget”.

They stopped using clones for clone troopers leading up to A New Hope. So there probably is a chance that maybe some old officers would have recognized him.

Also seems weird to call it an homage to Sorcerer instead of Wages of Fear.

Fun fact about Sorcerer, since this week’s episode paid it a small homage: That’s the movie that came out the week after Star Wars, and got completely vaporized at the box office.

Besides the sonic depth-charge weapon callback I liked that the microphone set-up in the hauler was the same as the one Han uses in the prison control room on the Death Star during the raid to free Leia. Same sub-contractor probably.

“Click on each photo that has an Ewok.” 

Great recap of an overall good, fun episode, but you failed to mention Mayfeld’s Office Space reference when he tried to rescue Mando from Hess:

My favorite CYA explanation is that it’s Star Wars Captcha, and it’s literally just making sure you’re not a robot.

I agree the “face scan not as a security measure to make sure you’re an imperial/who you say you are, but instead just to make sure you’re not an outlaw” is inherently dumb.

- Not a trace, of doubt in my mind
Now he’s the Believer, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

She’s one of the biggest people on Parler now. That alone is confirmation enough. She does not care at all that shes possibly tanking her acting career to own the libs. 

Uh, have you not seen her Twitter? Saying Democrats are blind with a picture of masks over their eyes. Inviting her followers to got to Parler instead where there’s real free speech. Last year she made a joke about trans people but walked at back as people misunderstanding her. Her recent Twitter shows nobody was