
He claims to have tapes and at a least a few people have corroborated parts of it. Janice Min was apparently one of the people at dinner with Bannon and Ailes (hosted at Wolff’s house) and has been talking about it on Twitter ( I’m with you, I’m not really sure - I think it’s probably

Yeah, it’s tough. On the one hand, Wolff has a reputation for inventing conversations. On the other, I believe wholeheartedly that people in this administration are dumb enough to let him put this kind of thing on the record without a second thought. It would be nice to be able to look at it like the Iliad or

This is what gets me when i see that “the media” should be tougher. How is this woman supposed to get answers out of this douchenozzle? Hes going to talk over her, refuse to answer her questions, and any time she is confrontational or pressing she’ll be labeled as “not being respectful”(translation into Republicanese:

Ohh, just fuck alla you old twat-bros who are STILL trying to shush women instead of listening to them and answering their fucking questions.

“Oatman will clean up congress like an oatmeal fast cleans the colon.”

Fuck off Billy Bootstraps. You’re sick of your tax dollars helping poor people in this country? I’m sick of mine being used to blow them up overseas.

How is Oat Man not a superhero?

And if you want to support the progressive running against Rohrabacher this fall:

I don’t expect the gov’t to pay for my medical expenses

Real sprinkles...............YUM!

This is the most regrettable, but well-deserved “ba-DUM-bum” I’ve ever given out.

Nothing says “W RLD LEAD R” like a well maintained sign.

Wouldn’t be the first time.

When I talk to St. Peter and he sends me to Hell, I’m blaming you directly. Never forget that.

If he wanted to kill black people, why didn’t he just become a cop?

no hints, this is literally exactly what they should do.

The top Democratic leaders should start dropping hints that, if they keep up this nonstop investigating Hillary every time she sneezes bullshit, when they take the WH, hopefully in 3 years, they are going to be launching non stop investigations on any Republican who had even the slightest connection to the Russians

Shrug. True. Minus ‘Loot Train’, last season was not that good. That said, as someone who has been waiting for some conclusion to this story for almost two decades... I want them to take as much effort and time to get as close to right as they can — especially since GRRM doesn’t seem to be any closer to giving us an

I still can’t believe that there are idiots out there, who genuinely believe the US is now being taken seriously again.

As you can see, Trump is so in favor of coal, that he’s increasing the supply of oil and natural gas.