
I watched the first Fantastic Beasts on an 8-hour flight. Would highly recommend it in that environment and absolutely nowhere else.

And while we’re on the subject, they did show HE WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED as a teenager and he wasn’t awkward at all. He was a manipulative little shit who took out Moaning Myrtle and framed Hagrid.

Now playing

I have definitely spotted a tiny airplane can of Coke and been like OMG LOOGIT THE TINY CAN! It’s like R2D2, but a soda! Adorable! Shrinking something makes it inherently more detailed and less imposing.

Isn’t this literally what the Fantastic Beast movies are? The first one was pure tripe and the next one has Johnny Depp playing Wizard Hitler so I’m not holding my breath on it being much better.

I thought that foundation was set up to help find a cure for mediocrity...color me surprised.

honorable mention to Joe Flacco for being true to himself and checking down on 4th and 14 with the season on the line

“ be illegal and wasted on marijuana”

I took two marijuanas in one night once and woke up three days later in a bathtub full of used needles and surrounded by kneeling football players.

Did anyone else think that Arkangel was bullshit? (spoilers)

I remember one time that I had a marijuana, and then got wasted on it. I was so wasted that I didn’t say no when he offered me another marijuana. I didn’t say no, because I was already dead

Brian Kilmeade is the dumbest FoxNews host not named Steve Doocy.

because no one truly gives a crap about debating the ninth best team in the country

“Deep State Justice Dept”... You mean the one under your control? The one that’s part of the executive branch? That Justice Department?

They’ve had two of the greatest quarterbacks the game has ever seen and have two championships. This organization has been a luckier version of the Lions with their failure to capitalize on Barry Sanders and Calvin Johnson.

Four non-winning seasons since 1992. I’d say the Packers have done just fine. They’ve won a ton of games over the last twenty-five years.

The military favors inertia and tradition. It may be reluctant to enact change, but it’s just as reluctant to reverse it once it’s been in place for any length of time. Civilian leadership and its policy recommendations come and go, and the Armed Forces try to ride a middle ground. That said, policy decisions are

I have gotten to the point where I’m not sure if I even want to know the truth anymore. It’s not going to permanently take away the support of the Republican party and it’s not going to unify the Democratic Party into a capable force. Maybe, the outrage might help weaken the Republicans, next year, but we still have

Hi Fellow Iowan!

Bettendorf is my home town, I grew up there. I left in 2007 to work abroad and returned in 2012 and promptly took off for Oregon. That PP is one I actually used with a girlfriend for health screenings and contraceptives.

I love Iowa but the states politics are getting righter and more garbage. When I was traveling I

What’s the American history class from which there should not be some degree of resentment toward whites? We’re pretty strongly rooted in exploitation of various peoples. I really need to hear about how Horne reacted to learning about even the common knowledge stuff like the trail of tears, smallpox blankets, slavery,