
Let’s be honest, they wouldn’t even care if they realized their mistake. One black man is as good a target as another to them.

You should probably not get married.

Guess he must have seen something in the game tape.

Fucking hell rich people have thin skin.

Banned ... Even Though ... Acquitted

I mean, I get the question, but yes, the GOP would absolutely fucking seat him and there’s less than a zero percent chance they’d follow through on anything they’ve threatened. If they’ve proven nothing else in the last few decades, it’s that having the (R) in the seat is the first, last, and only priority.

The Senate GOP will make a big show about replacing Moore with someone else, but will never actually get around to it. (Kinda like Obamacare.)

That said, Alabamians - get your eye on the prize here. Think of how many close votes have happened in the last few months where Pence had to step in and be a tie-breaker. Electing Doug Jones means those votes go the other way.

and criticizing Moore’s Democratic opponent Doug Jones as “soft on crime.”

This is fucking insane.

Yeah, because everyone in the medical field is a fucking doctor. Moron. I’m not a doctor, but if I were I’d prescribe you 750mg of shut the fuck up. Take it and call me in the morning douchebag.

Eat a bag of shit.

Nice comparison. You think picking an apple off a tree is the same as heart surgery. So tell us, enlightened medical professional, why someone who picks vegetables in a farmer’s field should be made to fill out a ton of forms and follow rules beyond “don’t eat the produce and don’t step in the way of a thresher”.

It’s funny how the only Darwinism they believe in is Social Darwinism.

Two shits not given if it’s meaningless or not. They get to speak their mind. Just like the writer of this article gets to get pissed off at them for not backing the victims. People are different. Not all of them will toe the line. Get over it.

That’s completely meaningless though. Why do people think that just because someone didn’t treat them poorly, it means that person is incapable of harming others?

For example, six workers from Kissimmee, FL, earned $42 an hour, plus overtime, while some senior power lineman earned $63 an hour. Whitefish’s contract with PREPA secured $320 an hour per worker plus an additional $80 for food.

“I’m thankful for Robert Mueller.”

Except it’s not, because on the other end you have the also very white Democrats and Liberals calling for Al Franken’s head when what Moore is accused of is way, way worse, and the likeliest scenario here is that Franken will resign and Moore will waltz into the Senate which, even though Franken fucked up, is beyond

CTRL+F “white people”